3D stencil construction

When it comes to special precision in laser engraving, stencils are necessary. To produce these we sometimes use 3D printers. From the drawing of the template with attachment points, to the printing in the 3D printer, to the test and the final engraving, you can see pictures for a glass pyramid here.

First the template is drawn in a CAD program and created with precise dimensions. Here it is possible to create the most complex stencils in order to ultimately create parallelism of the workpiece or the engraving surface to the tool table.

3D printing is relatively quick and does not have to be carried out at maximum quality, as we carry out the fine work on the stencil by hand to achieve a very precise fit. This can be done, for example, by heating the workpiece or the template.

Ultimately, the workpiece can be inserted and positioned in the laser room with the printed and optimized template. Now we move on to programming the laser and are finished building the template.

Of course, there are even more ways to make stencils. For example, materials such as wood, cardboard or even acrylic can be adapted very well with a CO2 laser, so that materials can either be inserted as a single piece or multiple loading of the laser room is possible.

Stencil construction

3D drawing stencil STL

3D printer stencil Ultimaker

Positioning in the template

Position of the workpiece